I suppose if I expect you to read my ramblings I should at least tell you a little bit about myself, and what I want this blog to be, so here goes...
My name is April and I am a 22 year old Biochemistry graduate student living in Halifax NS. I have spent most of my life here in NS (with a few years spent in NB), and I am definitely an east coast girl. I can't imagine ever living any great distance from the ocean, preferably the Atlantic.
When I am not busying myself with my studies, or my "science" (the blanket term I use to describe my lab work to the non-scientists in my life), I like to busy myself with reading, cooking, yoga, and spending time with my friends and family.
I am a major foodie with a passion for healthy (and vegan) cooking- I hope to share some of my cooking adventures in this blog, including recipes I make up myself and those I find elsewhere :)
I have also become very interested in overall healthy living in the past year or so. Exercise and eating right didn't matter much to me in my teen years, but as of late have become big parts of my life. I hope to share my triumphs and my struggles in this blog so that we can learn a bit from one another.
Additionally this blog will probably focus on a little bit of all of the things that make up my life...perhaps the occasional review of a good book I've read, movie i've watched, fitness class I attended, or scientific journal article. (Just kidding about that last one).
I love the color purple (some might say a bit too much- but they'd be wrong).
I love listening to music of just about all types.
I love birthdays (not only mine, just birthdays in general).
I love (love love) children- I haven't quite figured out what I want to do when I "grow up"- but it will without a doubt involve children somehow.
I love shopping (a little too much at times).
I haven't really decided what I want this blog to be- but I'm hoping you'll join me along the ride to figuring it out.
April xo
Hi April - It's Shane with Garden of Eatin. I'm wondering if in January you won a blog contest hosted on Healthy Ashley.com? If you did, shoot me an e-mail when you have a chance. My email is shane.arman[at]bm.com