Well after months of letting my health take a complete backseat to everything else in my life I have decided that it is time to start taking better care of myself.
My timing couldn't be better because Moksha Yoga Halifax just happens to be running a 30 Day challenge starting yesterday!
This is my third 30 Day hot yoga challenge- but I've never done one at a time in my life where I have been this unhealthy and unmotivated, so I am hoping that this one will double as a way to kick my butt into gear.
During this challenge I am going to try to get back on track as far as healthy eating goes as well, so hopefully I will be able to find some great new recipes to share!
So far so good as far as the yoga goes, I made it a 60 minute class yesterday and today. I am definitely sore, and am not at all where I should be as far as what I am able to do in the classes- but I am committed to get back there. Tomorrow I am gonna give a 90 minute class a try and see how that goes.
Food wise not as good of a day - I have been eating a ton of dairy lately :( (bad vegan!) and it is definitely catching up to me. I am tired and sluggish all the time, and I know this is because I am not eating properly. I am gonna try and jumpstart tomorrow with a nice big smoothie and some trailmix and do my best to keep it vegan all day!
But for now this tired girl is off to bed to rest up for Day 3!